Small Groups
Men's Ministry
Elias Jimenez
This Ministry meets once a month and the also participates in
Men's Conferences
Special Projects
Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministry Director | Ivette Jimenez
This Ministry meets once a month and are involved in many activities throughout the year such as:
Women's Conferences
Outings etc, etc.
Couples Discipleship
Our mission is to bring married couples closer in their relationship as a family, and to help them understand that their communion with God will make them stronger. Making better marriages will result in healthier families which in time will better our city and nation’s quality of life.
For the ladies - "The wise woman builds her house,"
- The Word of God: Proverbs 14:1
For the men - "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."
- The Word of God: Genesis 2:23
First Step Classes
Every Tuesday at 7:00 pm
Bible Classes
Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Service Ministry
Pastoral Care
Usher & Greeter Ministry
Security Ministry
Communion Ministry
Special Projects
Hospital & Nursing Home Visitation
Visitation Ministry